Tooth Tips | Do Saltwater Rinses Actually Help?

Rinsing your mouth with saltwater can be an effective way to reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and freshen your breath.

glass of water and salt shaker


The foundation of any good oral health routine is simple: 1) brush twice a day for two minutes at a time and 2) floss at least once per day. But your dental health can also benefit from the occasional saltwater rinse!

Key Benefits

Salt inhibits oral bacteria by increasing the pH balance of your mouth, creating a more alkaline environment that mitigates their ability to thrive. Because they’re effective bacteria killers, salt water rinses can help prevent gingivitis and freshen your breath. They can also promote post-treatment healing and pain relief by reducing inflammation.


Keep in mind that rinsing your mouth with saltwater too often can wear out your enamel. Up to 3 times a week should be enough, and make sure to swish gently!

Add a 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water.

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