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Why Should We Brush Our Teeth for 2 Minutes?

The reason dentists recommend at least two minutes of brushing is simple: if you’re rushing, you’re forgetting. Taking the time...

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Ali Harb

blog, tooth tips

The reason dentists recommend at least two minutes of brushing is simple: if you’re rushing, you’re forgetting. Taking the time to properly brush your teeth means that you’re way less likely to miss certain tricky areas (backs of your teeth, sides of your molars, etc.), and you’re also more likely to brush in a calm, consistent manner. One of the biggest oral care faux-pas is to brush vigorously while rushing the process, which isn’t recommended for a variety of reasons, including the fact that brushing too hard can wear out your teeth and damage your gums.

As far as mitigating plaque buildup, the numbers don’t lie: in 2012, a systematic review of nearly 60 papers published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene compared the amount of plaque that is removed when brushing for one minute vs two. The review found that brushing for two minutes removes around 41% of plaque, while brushing for one minute only removes 27%.

And remember, flossing once a day is vital in keeping your teeth and gums healthy! Common dental issues like gum disease can be easily prevented by taking a few minutes out of your day to properly care for your teeth, along with regular visits to the dentist.